
12. januára 2025

 Dlhšie sme tu nemali sekciu s nejakými "citátmi". A síce nie som nejakým úplným fanúšikom citátov, keď nejaké nájdem a sú dobré, hneď si ich zapisujem. A tak mám pre vás dnes okrem bežných fotiek nejakých nových kúskov aj zopár citátov :) Poďme na to!

"You're a Sunday morning kind of beauty."

"You don't grow when you're comfortable." 

"It's okay to disappear sometimes. It's okay to lose yourself, find yourself, then lose yourself all over again. This world was made for living in, not hiding in a safety box."      - live outside the box 

"I am early morning subway ride on rainy day kind of person." 

"We are writers, my love. We don't cry. We bleed on paper." 


"You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that."

"You can't spend the best years of your life waiting for someone to love you back." 


 A aké sú vaše obľúbené citáty? :) 

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